Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Top Ten Tuesday

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly feature hosted by The Broke and The Bookish. Each week, 
they post a different topic, and you get to create your own top ten list. So, this week's  topic is Top Ten Books on your Spring TBR List!!!!
Let me preface this by saying all of these books have been sitting on my shelf for at least a month, but most longer. I don't know why because all of them seem like amazing reads! I am determined to get my act together and stop getting books from the library when I have all these surely great books just sitting there on my shelf.

1. Quiet   By: Susan Cain: I, myself, am a little bit of an introvert, so I am extremely interested in what this book has to say. I was so surprised and excited when I found this book back in December.

2. The Shoemaker's Wife   By: Adriana Trigiani: I feel like everyone absolutely loves this book! I hear so many good things about it, and have yet to really start it. I keep getting books from the library and putting this one on hold, but I am determined now to start it!

3. David Copperfield   By: Charles Dickens: I just finished a book this weekend that talked a lot about this book, and it has definitely been on my TBR list. I think it's a sign!
4. Great Expectations   By Charles Dickens: This is another book that has been on my TBR list forever. I am doing the Classics Club which means I am challenging myself to read 50 classics in 5 years. Seeing how I have only one down, I feel like it is time to get serious about this challenge. An added bonus is I have always wanted to read this!

5. House of Leaves  By Mark Z. Danielewski: Okay, this book has a different kind of hype behind it. I have heard it was the scariest book ever read by one person and a love story by another. Yes, I am serious. How can it be possible? I am not entirely sure. All I know is I can't wait to dive into it.

6. Matterhorn   By: Karl Marlantes: This is a book for the historical fiction challenge I am doing this year. I have recently really gotten into war stories and am fascinated by the bravery of military men and women after reading Unbroken (a MUST read by the way).

7.Fair Game  By: Valerie Plame Wilson: Living in DC it is easy for one to get caught up in politics and the behind the scenes of the most powerful nation in the world. When I heard about this book I just knew I needed it. I finally found a copy at a used bookstore in DuPont and it has been just sitting on my shelf waiting to be read!

8.Three-Letter Plague   By: Jonny Steinberg: A Co-worker of mine graciously brought this book back for me from South Africa and I have been really wanting to read it. We are both interested in anything global health so I think it is going to be an interesting, yet heart wrenching read.

9. Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close   By: Jonathan Safran Foer: I realllllly want to watch this movie. It is always on HBOGo, but I am determined to read the book first. I heard from a co-worker that it is truly a book that has to be read, but I know if I watch the movie, I won't read it! So I really need to start this one.

10. The Kitchen House   By: Kathleen Grissom: I bought this book while home at Christmas. I thought I would have more time to read, but found myself so busy with the holiday festivities I still have yet to read this!

Wow, okay, after coming up with ten books on my TBR list (and I had to cut it down) I realize just how many great books I have waiting to be read! What are some books you are hoping to get to?!?!


  1. I hope you get to all of these his spring, and enjoy them all - especially The Shoemaker's WIfe which I loved.

    Tanya Patrice

    1. Thanks! Fingers crossed! Now that the weather is starting to get a little more nice out my reading might take a hit due to me being outside more!

  2. It's been a while since I read Dickens, I used to just read classics when I was in high school. Now I seem to have reverted and am stuck on YA.

    My Top Ten

    1. I am actually a little new to YA. I haven't read too much, but if you have any suggestions I am up to try anything!

  3. I haven't read everything on your list, but those that I have are books I've loved. Nice list.

    Here's my list of books I can't wait to read this spring!

    1. Thanks! I am glad that I have so many good books to look forward to.

  4. I do the same. When I watch the movie or TV show before I read the book, I won't read the book. I just won't.
    I haven't read Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close, but I did watched the movie at the cinema. I thought it was really good, interesting and emotional. I cried, yep I did.

    Enjoy the books you got on the list.

    Nina@J'adore Happy Endings

    1. I have heard Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close is sad...which may be one of the reasons I haven't read it quite yet. For tear jerkers I need to be in the right state of mind! And trust me, I have cried during commercials, so I have no doubt tears will be spilled with this one as well.

  5. Some great titles there, I have Quiet on hold at the library and looking forward to reading it :) I've read House Of Leaves and still can't work out whether I loved it or not!

    Fi @ Bookish Outsider

    1. House of Leaves is such a dauntingly big book so I think that is my main concern. I will look out for your review for Quiet in case I don't get my act together and read it before you do!

  6. I was a bit disappointed with Quiet. It made extroverts seems like evil people. But the history section of the book is fascinating.
