Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Top Ten Tuesday

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly feature hosted by The Broke and The Bookish. Each week
they post a different topic, and you get to create your own top ten list. So, this week's  topic is Top Ten Books I Recommend the Most!

This one was really hard for me because I usually try to recommend books pertaining to what type of genres my friends/family members/random strangers really like to read. I did my best, however, to come up with a list that I find most people would really like. Enjoy!

1. Pride and Prejudice: Ultimate classical romance for every woman out there. Mr. Darcy ruined it for all of us! Seeing as how I literally love this book so much I read it every Christmas, there was no way I could not put this book on this list.

2. History of Love: I can't even really begin to describe how much I loved this book. This one was so wonderful I want to go out and buy 10 copies just so I can pass them out to anyone and everyone.

3. Kite Runner: I could barely finish this book I was crying so much. I think this book stays with me after all these years because it showed me how far love can reach. The characters in this book show the true meaning of friendship and love, and show how even through betrayal there is always hope. 

4. Mountains Beyond Mountains: This book changed my life. Literally. After reading it, my life did a 180 and I have never looked back. Paul Farmer is truly an amazing person, and this book is a learning experience for everyone about human compassion and the perseverance of a man who refuses to accept any circumstance that is not fair in this world.

5. Glass Castle: This book is part hilariousness, part heart-wrenching, part "I can't believe this is actually true." It's an astonishing memoir and will resonate with everybody who has ever been proud, embarrassed, or utterly fascinated with their family.

6. The Great Gatsby: Everytime I read this book I can't believe the ending really happens. I want to throw the book across the room from frustration, yet it keeps bringing me back. Men and women both will love this book for the secrecy, betrayal, gut-wrenching love story that it is.

7. Game of Thrones: This series is so much fun. Every chapter changes up the point of view with a different character and leaves the reader on the edge of their seat. Be warned though, the books in this series are gigantic and can sometimes take a long time to finish. Don't let that deter you though because the scandal is addicting.

8. Catcher in the Rye: Sometimes I feel this is a book that people either love or hate. I happen to love it, but I find myself always recommending to people just to see what they think of it.

9. Harry Potter Series: Yes, I know technically this is seven books, but oh my word how could I not recommend these books?! I have read the books multiple times and even knowing the endings I find that the books are just, if not more, enjoyable.

10. Bossypants: I am in love with Tina Fey. I honestly think she can do no wrong. This book was so hilarious, that I even recommended to my mother who never reads nonfiction, let alone comedic autobiographies! And.....she absolutely loved it!! I'm serious, go out and buy this right now.

So there it is! A list with something in it for everyone! What's on your top ten most recommended list?!


  1. Pride and Prejudice is a book I always recommend. It is my favorite book of all time.

    1. I know, sometimes I feel repetitive because I am always suggesting it, but I can't help it! I read it every Christmas season, and each time I read it I found something new or interesting that I love it even more!
